Performance Reviews | Best Practices for Self Review | Rise People

Self-review best practices

1. In People Management, navigate to Performance by clicking the icon in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. You’ll be taken to the Reviews page. Here, you’ll see all the review cycles you're participating in. 

3. Click Show more on a review cycle to see which types of reviews you’ll need to complete, and, if a manager review is a part of the cycle, which managers will be reviewing you. 

4. Next, in the Write reviews section under Yourself, click My self review. Under Yourself, you’ll also be able to see the deadline for your self review.

5. There are two types of questions your organization may ask you to answer: multiple choice and short answer. To answer multiple choice questions, select the option that best answers the question. 

6. You can save your progress at any time and come back to complete the review later. To save your progress, navigate to the top-right and click Save & close

7. You can change your answers by going back to the Reviews page before the closing date and clicking Edit review.

When answering short answer questions, first follow any guidance or templates your organization has provided you. If your organization hasn’t provided you with any resources, or you’re looking for some more support, here are some things to keep in mind when answering self-review questions:

Highlight your achievements

Don’t be modest—this is the time to show all of your accomplishments since the previous review period. However, make sure to strike a balance and don’t brag about them, either. 

Be honest about your mistakes 

Everyone makes mistakes—it’s important to acknowledge them. When you mention them in your self-review, you can describe what you learned from a mistake and how you’re going to improve moving forward. 

Talk about yourself, not others

If you’re having issues with your peers, don’t bring them up in your self-review. It’s best to approach this type of conflict in a private, face-to-face conversation with your manager. 

Request resources

As a manager will be reading your self-review, it’s a good time to voice requests that will help you accomplish your work. Make sure to provide context for your requests and describe how they’ll impact your performance. If you see any potential opportunities for growth or wish to discuss them with your manager, a self-review is a great place to bring it up. 

Show your contributions

Talk about your place on the team. How do you support the work of your peers? Why are you an essential member of your team? What unique set of skills do you bring to the table? 

Be specific

Don’t speak in vague terms—use specific examples where you can to support your statements. 

If you have any specific goals you’ve been working toward or have accomplished, don’t forget to include these in your review. Go into some detail about how you achieved them, too. 

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