FAQs: Time in lieu tracking

FAQs: Time in lieu tracking

Q: What is time in lieu tracking?  

A: Time in lieu tracking is a feature that allows employees to accrue hours tracked in Time Approval and display them in each employee’s Time Off Dashboard. 
Amanda worked 10 hours on Monday
8 Hours will be paid as regular hours 
3 hours (2 x 1.5)  will be accrued and displayed on her Time Off Dashboard under the Banked Time policy 

Q: How can I set up Time in Lieu tracking? 

A: You can contact our support team and mention your interest in setting it up. Please share the following information with our team: 
  • Which hours will be accrued, i.e. regular hours, overtime hours, double time hours? 
  • Which employees can accrue time? 
  • Are there any employees who should be paid for overtime instead of accruing the time? 
  • Are your employees accruing hours or days? 

Q: How do the hours worked from Time Approval transfer to the Time Off Dashboard? 

A: As soon as a user approves a time entry from Time Approval, the hours will be transferred to Time Off as a time off request. Within the request history, employees will see new events every time that hours are being added to their Time in lieu policy. 

Q: What happens if a manager wants to edit the hours classification and adjust how the hours are being accrued? 

A: Time Approvers can edit time entries and adjust the classification. Keep in mind that once the time entry gets approved again, we will update Time Off to match the new classification. 

Q: How do I cancel hours being accrued? 

A: There are two ways to cancel accrued worked hours. 
  1. Time Approvers can cancel accrued hours by unapproving a time entry and changing the hours classification to something else. 
  2. Time Approvers can delete accrued worked hours. The hours will be deducted from the Time Off Dashboard. 

Q: Who can approve accrued work hours? 

A: Any Time Approver can approve accrued work hours.

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