Add provider CNESST & QHSF instructions

Add provider CNESST & QHSF instructions

To set up your CNESST/QHSF Payable Payroll Instruction (Provider) to allow the CNESST payable and QHSF payable amounts to be automatically remitted to Revenue Quebec and show up on the Quebec Remittances report, follow these simple steps:

1. Navigate to Payroll, then under Payroll, click Payroll Setup.

2. Select Add Payroll Instruction from Provider Library.

3. Scroll down to the Organization Payroll Taxes section and select the CNESST / QHSF Payable provider payroll instruction from the list available from the dropdown.

In the event that you select QHSF Payable provider payroll instruction, ensure that you set up QHSF Assessable Earnings as a provider level instruction as well to avoid pay run errors.

4. By default, the payroll instruction will be set to Enabled

Click Save.

Once completed, you will have successfully added the provider CNESST/QHSF Payable payroll instruction to your organization. CNESST Payable and QHSF Payable (whichever is selected) will now automatically be remitted to Revenue Quebec in the same way that the other Quebec remittances are today (QPIP, QPIP ER, QPP, QPP ER, and Quebec Provincial Tax).

Note that these payroll instructions can also be disabled at any time.

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