Analyze review cycle data

Analyze review cycle data

Review cycle data can be downloaded in CSV format at any point during a review—for instructions on how to do so, check out our article on How to export review cycle data. Once you’ve downloaded your review cycle data as a CSV file, you can open it using a spreadsheet application to sort, filter, and organize review data. We’ve included some examples below to give some ideas as to how the data can be analyzed, but you’re free to sort and filter the data however you need.

1. Start by opening the downloaded review cycle data in your spreadsheet application of choice. Note that filtering and sorting functions may differ from application to application.

2. To review everything written about a given employee, filter the spreadsheet by Reviewee Name.

3. To review everything written by a given employee, filter the spreadsheet by Reviewer Name

4. To view all responses with a given status (e.g. Completed or Not started), filter the spreadsheet by Status.

5. To view all responses to a given question, filter the spreadsheet by Question/prompt.

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