Complete a peer review

Complete a peer review

1. In People Management, navigate to Performance by clicking the icon in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. You’ll be taken to the Reviews page. Here, you’ll see all the review cycles you're participating in. 

3. Click Start review.

4. Next, in the Write reviews section under Your peers, click the name of the peer you wish to complete a review for.

5. Answer the questions in the template. If you’d like to learn about best practices for answering questions in a peer review, check out our Best practices for giving effective feedback to peers article. You can also save your progress and complete your review at another time before the closing date.

Your review will not be directly shared with your peer—instead, it’ll be shared non-anonymously with their primary reviewer. Your peer’s primary reviewer will then look at your feedback and summarize it for your peer to read. Therefore, it is not guaranteed that your feedback will be kept anonymous by the primary reviewer. If you wish to know if your feedback will be kept anonymous by primary reviewers, check in with your HR admin.

6. To save your progress, navigate to the top-right and click Save & close, or click the name of another team member to complete their review.

7. You can go back to the Reviews page before the closing date and click Edit review to make any changes to your answers.

Click Show more on a review cycle to see which types of reviews you’ll need to complete, and, if a manager review is a part of the cycle, which managers will be reviewing you. 

8. After the review window closes, your responses will be automatically shared with your peer’s primary reviewer.

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