T4 box information

T4 box information

T4 slip: Statement of Remuneration Paid 

For more information on each Box listed below, refer to the CRA website here
Box 14
Employment income
Box 16 / 17
Employee's CPP/ QPP contributions
Box 18
Employee's EI premiums
Box 19
Employer EI Premiums
Box 20
RPP contributions
Box 22
Income tax deducted
Box 24 / 26
EI Insurable earnings CPP/QPP pensionable earnings
Box 27
Employer CPP contributions
Box 28
CPP/QPP, EI, or PPIP Exempt?
Box 30*
Board and lodging
Box 31
Special work site
Box 32*
Travel in a prescribed zone
Box 33
Medical travel assistance
Box 34*
Personal use of employer's automobile or motor vehicle
Box 36*
Interest free and low interest loans
Box 37
Employee home relocation loan deduction
Box 38*
Security options benefits
Box 39
Security options deduction -  110(1)(d)
Box 40*
Other taxable allowances and benefits
Box 41
Security option deduction - 110(1)(d.1)
Box 42*
Employment commissions
Box 43
Canadian forces personnel and police allowance
Box 44
Union Dues
  Box 45 
  Employer-offered dental Benefits *new for 2023 filing
Box 46
Charitable donations
Box 50
RPP or DPSP registration number
Box 52
Pension adjustment
Box 53
Deferred security option benefits
Box 55
Provincial Parental Insurance Plan (PPIP)
Box 56
PPIP Insurable Earnings
Box 66
Eligible retiring allowances
Box 67
Non-eligible retiring allowances
Box 68
Status Indian (exempt income) - Eligible retiring allowances
Box 69
Status Indian (exempt income) - Non-eligible retiring allowances
Box 70
Municipal officer's expense allowance
Box 71
Status Indian - Employment Exempt Income
Boxes 72 / 73
Section 122.3 income (employment outside Canada) and the number of days outside Canada
Boxes 74 / 75
Pre-1990 past-service RPP contributions
Box 77
Workers' compensation benefits repaid to the employer
Box 78
Fishers - Gross earnings
Box 79
Fishers - Net partnership amount
Box 80
Fishers – Share-person amount
Box 81
Placement or employment agency workers
Box 82
Taxi drivers and drivers of other passenger-carrying vehicles - Gross Income
Box 83
Barbers or hairdressers - Gross Income
Box 84
Public transit pass
Box 85
Employee-paid premiums for private health services plans
Box 86*
Security options election
Box 87
Emergency Services volunteer exempt amount
Box 88
Status Indian - Self-Employment Exempt Income  

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