T4A box information

T4A box information

T4A Slip - Information for Payers

Refer to CRA website for more information on T4A slips.
  Box 015
  Payer-offered dental benefits *new for 2023
Box 016
Pension or superannuation
Box 018
Lump-Sum payments
Box 020
Self-employed commissions
Box 022
Income tax deducted
Box 024
Rec'd due to spouse's death
Box 026
Eligible retiring allowances
Box 027
Non-eligible retiring allowances
Box 028
Other income
Box 030
Patronage allocations
Box 032
Registered pension plan contributions (past service)
Box 034
Pension adjustment
Box 040
RESP accumulated Income Payments
Box 042
RESP educational assistance
Box 046
Donations and gifts
Box 048
Fees for services
Box 131
Registered disability savings plan
Box 133
Variable pension benefits
Box 135
Premiums for private health services
Box 102
Lump-sum payments - non-resident
Box 104
Research grants, scholarships, etc (full-time and part-time), tuition fees/cost related to part-time scholarships etc., elementary and secondary scholarships, etc.
Box 106
Death benefits from employer
Box 107
Wage-loss replacement plan
Box 108
Lump-sum payments from a RPP
Box 109
Periodic pay from unregistered plan
Box 110
Lump-sum payments accr. Dec 31, 1971
Box 111
Income averaging annuity contracts
Box 115
DPSP annuity or instalment payments
Box 116
Medical travel assistance
Box 117
Loan benefit
Box 118
Medical premium benefits
Box 119
Group term life insurance premiums
Box 122
RESP accumulated income payments
Box 123
Payments from a revoked DPSP
Box 124
Board and lodging at special work sites
Box 125
Disability benefits from pension
Box 126
Pre-1990 past service contributions
Box 127
Veterans' benefits
Box 129
Tax deferred cooperative share
Box 130
Apprenticeship incentive or completion grant
Box 132
Wage Earner Protection Program
Box 134
TFSA taxable amount
Box 142
Status Indian (exempt income) - Eligible retiring allowances
Box 143
Status Indian (exempt income) - Non-eligible retiring allowance
Box 144
Status Indian (exempt income) - Other Income
Box 146
Status Indian (exempt income) - Pension or superannuation
Box 148
Status Indian (exempt income) - Lump-sum payments
Box 150
Labour Adjustment. Benefits Act and Appropriation Acts
Box 152
SUBP qualified under the income tax act
Box 152
Cash award from or prize from payer
Box 156
Bankruptcy settlement
Box 158
Lump-sum payments from a RPP/DPSP
Box 180
Lump-sum payments from a DSP
Box 190
Lump-sum payments from an un-regular plan

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