Understanding words and terms used in Time Off

Understanding words and terms used in Time Off

Here you can find a table of words you'll encounter within Time Off and their definitions.

If you have any questions or need more clarity on something listed here, reach out to support@risepeople.com at any time.

General terms

Manual or guide
A step-by-step walkthrough of a workflow, feature, or process that we support.

We often refer to the application in its short form, "App." App references what we call each service that we offer. Time Off is considered an app, one of many other services we offer, such as Benefits or Payroll.

When you hear us talk about an integration, we are referring to computer-to-computer interaction that automates workflows or connects two different apps or products that otherwise are offered as stand-alone services. You may also hear phrases such as "semi-automated integration" which means that part of a workflow is integrated, but it requires manual intervention from a person to link the two products to complete an action.

When referencing the body of employees and teams that make up your brand, service, product, association, etc. we're referencing your organization. This also commonly referred to as "company."

Commonly, payroll references the total amount of wages and salaries paid by an organization to its employees. When we reference payroll, we're also referencing our own application, Rise Payroll.

People and Culture
Humans aren't resources to be consumed. They’re people, first and foremost. For us, People and culture not only reference our core platform application but the future of work. It means empowering every team member to do his or her best work every day.

Human Resources
Commonly referred to as HR, Human Resources is a terminology used to reference an organizational department or industry dedicated to the success of team engagement, organizational culture, team operations, administration and financials. However, we believe HR is dead. We believe in the rise of people and culture.

Policy setup and app management

The duration of time that an employee has been in your organization. If I have been at Organization-X for 5 years, my tenure is 5 years.

Traditionally this is defined by where someone sits in the organization structure hierarchy. A manager is more senior than a junior coordinator. This can also mean the same as tenure, duration of time with an organization, but in the context of when someone joined the team in relation to the other person. For example, if Susie has been with Organization-X for 3 years, and Joe has been there for 1 year, Susie has seniority in time over Joe.

Bonus Modifier
Bonus modifiers are special configuration settings within a policy that are used to create specific configurations to increase policy accrual rates. Bonus modifiers are used to give additional time off days based on tenure, teams/departments, or seniority.

Accrual / Scheduled Accrual
The accumulation of a set number of time off based on a specific date. In Time Off, scheduled accrual can happen monthly, on a particular date in the month, or, yearly, on a specific day in the year. Scheduled references that the accrual will continuously occur, on a pre-defined date. 

Carry Over
The amount of unused time that can be taken into the next year on a particular time off policy.

A policy is a collection of configurations and information that defines the time off guidelines your organization offers.

The settings that can be customized within a specific policy.

Employee Code
This refers to a unique number given to an employee in your organization, commonly known as the ID. An employee code is often used in products and serves to distinguish between employees from a technical standpoint.

Employee Balance Limit
When setting up a Time Off policy, this refers to the maximum available time off an employee can have if you don't have an expiry carrying over. For example, If you never take time off and accumulate year-over-year time off, the balance limit will cap the accrual.

The enrollment settings for a particular Time Off policy.

The date of hire anniversary for an employee.

If someone no longer has access to Time Off due to varying reasons such as being no longer with the organization or has been recently deactivated as a user in the app, they will be listed as inactive.

Roles within Time Off

This is a user role that can be set in Time Off. Owners are members of your organization that typically manage your time off policies.

This is a user role that can be set in Time Off. Admins are members of an organization who oversee Time Off trends and manage policies.

This is a user role that can be set in Time Off. Members are employees of an organization who don't manage the policies but are using them (requesting/reviewing).

A reviewer is an employee of an organization who is responsible for approving or rejecting time off when requested. This is typically an employee's manager, primary team or department lead, or a specific member that owns your time off policies.

Any employee who requests time off is a requester.

Team Member
This references an employee that is part of a team that is referenced. If you're talking about the Product team, any employee part of that team is a "product team member." A team member is also commonly used to reference any employee in your organization.

This references a person who is actively contributing to your organization.

Requesting / Reviewing Time Off

A transaction refers to any adjustment activity made on a particular policy.

This includes when:

Requests that are made, cancelled or rejected

Manual adjustments are made by administrators (increasing or decreasing available time off balances)

Scheduled accruals occur

Carryover occurs or days available under
over expire

Time off is requested or approved

Available time off is manually imported

This references the days or hours that you have under a particular policy that can be used to take time off in the time frame specified by your policy (scheduled accrual).

This refers to the state of a request.

Time off requests can be in 3 different states:

In review


Closed (rejected or cancelled)

In Review
This refers to a request that has yet to be reviewed. The request has been made, but no action has been taken by the reviewer.

This refers to a request that has either been cancelled by the requester or an administrator or rejected by the reviewer.

This refers to a request that has been approved.

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