Viewing a report

Viewing a report

Each page in a report has 100 rows. Click the arrows to move forward or back within a report.

Only users with permission to view all the data in the report can access the report. For example, if a user has permission to access reports but does not have permission to view first name information, they will be able to access Reports and see the name of any reports. However, if they click on a report that contains first name, they will see a message letting them know they can’t view the report due to their permissions.

Under the name of the report, you'll find options to customize and analyze your report: Manage columns, Sort, and Filter

Click on Manage columns to customize the columns in your report.

Added columns are columns that are visible in your report. You can uncheck the box next to a column name to exclude it from the report. More columns are columns you can add to the report.

Click Clear all to exclude all columns. You'll see an empty table until you add back columns. Click All to add all columns to the report.

To move a column around, click on the six dots next to the checkbox and drag into place. 

To search for a column, start typing its name into the Search columns search bar. 

All changes you make are reflected right away on the table.

If you apply a sort or filter to a column and then remove the column under “Manage columns”, the table will still reflect the sort or filter applied to it. This will help keep your table organized if you don’t need to see all the columns. For example, you can use the Employee Status filter to display only Active employees. Since you know that all the employees in the table are all active, you won’t need a column showing that information anymore. You can remove that column and the table will still only show Active employees.
You have a couple of options for sorting columns.

Click on Sort under the report name, and select the column by which you want to sort.

Click the AZ icon to select whether you want the column to be sorted in ascending or descending order.

If you want to sort using another column, you can click the dropdown and select a new column to sort with.

You can add an additional sorting option by clicking +Add sorting. Sorting will be done in the same order that appears in the dropdown.

You can remove a column that’s being sorted by clicking the X next to it.

When adding multiple columns for sorting, you’ll get the best results when the secondary (and tertiary and so on) columns are for fields with more general data (e.g. departments or locations). This way the sort acts more like a grouping function.

Click the column and a dropdown will appear, giving you the option of sorting in ascending or descending order. If there are already columns being sorted, then this new column will be added to the sort list.

You also have a couple of options for filtering.

Click on Filter under the report name, and select the column by which you want to filter.

Click the filter to enable the dropdown.

You can filter using:
  1. For text and number fields:
    1. Is
    2. Contains
    3. Does not contain
    4. Starts with
    5. Ends with
    6. Is empty
    7. Is not empty
  1. For Date fields such as Start Date and Birthdays
    1. Date is within last X (days, weeks, months, years)
    2. Date is within next X (days, weeks, months, years)
    3. The date ranges will show so you know if you’re picking the right dates
    4. Date is
    5. Date is not
    6. Date is before
    7. Date is after
    8. Date is between
    9. Date is not between
    10. Is empty
    11. Is not empty

You can apply multiple filters to the same column by clicking +Add filter. Additional filters will be applied using the AND function, meaning you’re narrowing down your data set even more.

For example, if you have two filters applied to the Locations column—Burnaby and Vancouver—then the table will only show results where both Burnaby and Vancouver appear under Locations.

You can remove individual filters by clicking on the - (minus) next to the filter.

You can remove all filters by clicking “Remove all filters”.

Similar to Sort, you can apply a filter by clicking directly on the column header and then selecting Filter in the dropdown.

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