Pay Runs
Sync key payroll dates to your calendar app
To help keep track of important dates, you can use calendar feeds to connect your personal calendar with Rise. Dates will be automatically added to your calendar and will be updated if any changes are made. If you're looking to add time off calendars ...
Pay an employee retroactively
If you want to pay an employee retroactively, you can pay them using an ad-hoc pay run to ensure that they receive their pay as soon as possible without having to wait for your next scheduled pay run. 1. Retroactive pay should be labeled as such to ...
Processing payroll overview
For details on your payroll cutoff (input due date), please see your funding agreement. Always review the Invoice Report and make sure that you have enough funds in your bank on the withdrawal date as shown on your invoice report before you click ...
Approve payroll past the due date
Earlier, you could approve a payroll after the Input Due Date, and oftentimes after the Pay Date as well. With our new secure feature, we will allow you to approve payrolls on or before the Input Due Date or with a Pay Date far enough in advance to ...
Export the output sheet
A new feature enhancement Export as CSV allows Rise to export the output sheet information to CSV files for all Payroll Processes. To export the output sheet, follow the below steps: 1. Click on the Payroll tab and then click Process Payroll/ Review ...
Change an ad-hoc payroll pay date
Determining an appropriate pay date When you create an ad-hoc pay run, you specify the pay date. Just like your regular payroll, Rise needs three banking days to process ad-hoc pay runs. If you approve the pay run on Monday before 10am PST the ...
Create a regular pay run
1. Select Payroll in the side menu, and click on Process Payroll / Review Payroll History. 2. Click on Create Next Regular Payroll and wait a moment for the pay run to be generated. 3. You will see a new entry appear with the status In Progress. ...
Approve (finish) a pay run
Submitting a pay run This tutorial is for the final steps of this process, you will have already done the following; Created a regular or ad-hoc pay run. For more information on how to create pay runs, check out our articles on How to create a ...
Create an ad-hoc pay run
1. In the Payroll menu on the left-hand side, click Payroll. 2. Click Process Payroll / Review Payroll History. 3. Click Create Ad-Hoc Payroll. 4. Enter the required Pay Date, Pay Period, and Reason into the appropriate boxes. Pay Date: Enter the ...