Add custom review questions to the question bank

Add custom review questions to the question bank

The question bank allows you to create a collection of questions that you can reuse when creating templates for review cycles. The question bank also comes with a preloaded set of questions curated by Rise that aim to identify top performers and elicit growth and learning opportunities for employees. You can create custom questions or select the ones created by Rise People, add them to a template, and create a performance review cycle.

1. In People Management, navigate to Performance by clicking the icon in the left-hand navigation bar.

2. If you’re an Owner, Admin, or Manager, you can access the Question Bank under Manage Performance from the navigation menu on the left-hand side.

3. In the Question Bank, you’ll see all the templates you’ve created and Rise’s pre-loaded questions. You’ll be able to see who created each template. Click + Add question to create a custom question.

4. Type the question into the box.

5. Next, click the Tags dropdown to tag the question as a self-review question if employees will be answering the question in a self-review performance cycle. Select manager review if the question will be answered by a manager for their direct reports in a manager-review, and peer-review if the question will be answered by a colleague at a similar level in a peer-review cycle.

6. Under Response, select the question type using the dropdown. You have three options:

  1. Short answer allows employees to type in their answer to the question.
  2. Multiple choice allows employees to choose from a set of answers that you create.
  3. 5-point scale allows employees to choose their response on a scale from 1 to 5.

If you select Multiple choice, a list of options will appear. Each option is completely customizable, and you can add and remove as many options as you need. To add an option, click + Add another option. To delete an option, click the trash icon next to it.

If you select 5-point scale, a similar list of options will appear, each ranked from 1 to 5. Each option can be customized. If you want to allow reviewees to justify their selection with a short answer, select Include short answer explanation.

7. Once you’re finished, click Save.

8. To modify a custom question, click the three dots next to a custom question, then click Edit.

To remove a custom question, click the three dots next to a custom question, and click Delete.

You cannot modify or delete Rise questions.

Once you’re done creating and reviewing questions, the next step is to add them to a template. To learn how to build a template, check out our How to create a template article.

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