How to create shifts in Rise Scheduling & Time Tracking
2. You’ll see a detailed schedule with a list of employee(s) matching the eligibility criteria (locations, departments and positions) of the schedule. You’ll also see statutory or custom holidays listed on the schedule. Click See stat holiday to view more details. If a holiday falls on a weekend, it’s automatically shown on the following Monday in the calendar.
3. To create a shift, navigate to the employee name, hover on the date and click the + icon.

You can also navigate to the employee name, hover on the date, right click and click Create Shift.
6. To set up repeating shifts for the employee, navigate to Repeat Every and fill in the frequency. Next, choose the day for the repeating shift.
7. Select the Including Statutory Holiday checkbox to create a repeating shift for all selected days including statutory holidays.
8. If you want the repeating shifts to continue indefinitely, choose Never.
9. If you want the repeating shifts to end on a specific day, choose On and fill in the date.
10. If you want the repeating shifts to end after a specific number of shifts, choose After and fill in the value.
11. To leave notes for the employee(s) on the schedule, click + Add Employee Notes and fill in the box.
12. To leave notes on the schedule not visible to employee(s), click + Add Time Approval Notes and fill in the box. Next, click Create Shift.
13. If an employee has approved time off, the schedule background will be grey. Shifts cannot be scheduled for that time duration.
14. If an employee is scheduled to work in another schedule, you’ll see Scheduled on a grey background. Click the eye icon to view the shift’s details such as date, duration, location, department, position, and employee notes.
To view the conflicting shift’s schedule, click Go to schedule. Click Close to return to your schedule.
15. You can also add a vacant shift in the schedule. Vacant shifts can be used to plan ahead for expected busy times and be assigned to employees later. Vacant shifts aren’t visible to employees.
To create a vacant shift, navigate to the vacant shift row, hover over the date and click the + icon.
16. Fill in the details to create a vacant shift and click Create Shift.
17. If you create three or more shifts for one single day, a shift block will be created.
To edit a shift within a shift block, click the shift block, select the shift, and click Edit shift.
18. You can also create an open shift. Open shifts are visible to all employees and can be claimed by employees from My Schedule if they match the shift’s eligibility criteria. To learn more about how an employee can claim an open shift, check out our How to manage your schedule in Rise Scheduling & Time Tracking article.
To create an open shift, navigate to the open shift row, hover on the date and click the + icon.
19. Fill in the details and click Create Shift.
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