Pay out a vacation balance

Pay out a vacation balance

If you have been accruing vacation pay using the Rise default payroll instruction Vacation Pay Earned (Accrued), then a balance exists in the system that is owed to the employee. You can pay out the entire balance of this accrual using the payroll instruction Vacation Pay Paid. It will also pay out any vacation earned on the current pay run, and the total payout will be recorded in box 17 on the ROE.

1. Make sure the employee has the Vacation Pay Paid payroll instruction available to them. Check out our How do I organize my payroll instructions article to learn more about managing payroll instructions in the employee profile.

2. Create the pay run for the employee's final payment. This might be a regular pay run or an ad-hoc pay run - check out our articles on How to create a regular pay run and How to create an ad-hoc pay run for more information.

3. Click Add Payroll Instructions on the input sheet of the final payment pay run.

4. In the pop-up window that appears, move Vacation Pay Paid from the left to the right using the arrows in the middle or by double-clicking on it. Click Add to add this payroll instruction to the pay run.

5. Wait a moment for the pay run to process, and when available click back into the input sheet.

6. Find the relevant employee on the input sheet. For instructions on how to use the filter function to narrow down your search, check out our How to filter or group the input sheet article.

7. Select the tick box next to the cell Vacation Pay Paid. This will grey out the box for entry and attach the full balance total instead.

8. To verify the amount, you can preview the employee's pay stub. Check out our article on How to preview a pay stub for details.

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